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In Biogen's line of cardiac surgery and perfusion products, we have devices with the most advanced technology to perform excellent surgery and obtain the best results. We work together with world leaders in the sector. At Biogen Diagnóstica we try to make the most advanced and safe devices on the current market available to the specialist. Always considering patient safety as the main factor of our technology.


At Biogen Diagnóstica we have a line of products for Hemodynamic or Cardiac Intervention procedures. We try to help professionals in the sector to carry out their work in a more comfortable and precise way, always trying to put at their disposal the most innovative products with the best results on the market. We have a wide range of products used in cardiac interventional procedures.


We divide them into:




At Biogen Diagnóstica we always take into account the needs of the professional and the patient. For this reason, we have added a new Critical Care or Intensive Care line to our product portfolio. Our Critical Care products are the most suitable in today's market.


We have divided them into several categories:


  • Pressure monitoring

  • Thermodilution catheters and pulmonary artery

  • Central venous catheter

  • Arterial catheters and hemostasis

  • Fluid management

  • Pipes

  • Security and infection control

  • Procedure Kits

  • Accessories

Prueba de sangre


At Biogen Diagnóstica we have been working in the sector for more than 20 years, always looking for improvements that can help professionals to perform more precise work. Our products are used in laboratories throughout the national territory and also in countries of the European Union. Currently, the PALEX MEDICAL company is in charge of distributing these products.

  • Pre-extraction

  • Vacuum extraction systems

  • Automatic stool hemoglobin analyzer

  • Urine collection

  • Counting chambers

  • Capillary Blood Hemoglobin Analyzer

  • Urine Test Strips

concepto de red social

Biogen incorporates software into its range of products as a fundamental and complementary part of its activity. Today, all products with a certain level of technology need to be integrated into the global information network, therefore, Biogen has opened a line of R&D in software engineering, both to explore new possibilities in the optimization of resources , in the management of diagnostic processes and in cooperation with its clients, as well as to attend to the increasingly complex activities and relationships in the global network.
The software solutions that Biogen offers are technologically advanced and their main objective is the automation of medical processes and the exploitation of data from a global point of view. At Biogen we understand that the division of information is unproductive and is nowadays being relegated by global models and structures that attend to healthcare processes regardless of where they occur, that is, both in private and public spheres.
For this reason, the integration of information, in order to aim at quality of care and obtaining a diagnosis, is an objective that at Biogen we have set ourselves to provide the world of health with new tools that allow society to face new and complex situations. modern lives and to which the health world is no stranger.

Ganado en la salida del sol


Biogen Diagnóstica has created a division focused on veterinary diagnostics. We believe that the evolution of healthcare has to be global and not just focus on the evolution of human medicine. For this reason, Biogen Diagnóstica also places its emphasis on improving diagnostic procedures, facilitating the work of veterinarians and laboratory personnel as much as possible. Always taking into account the safety and quality of the procedures.


  • Extraction system for the veterinary field

    • Silicone extraction tubes with clot activator 5,7,10 ml

    • Extraction tubes with EDTA for genotyping with special labeling

    • Extraction tubes with H. lithium or sodium

    • Single and multiple extraction needles 18G1, 1 1/2

    • 18G1 Safety Extraction Needles, 1 1/2

  • Manufacture of openers for complete boxes (automatic and manual)

  • Development of means of identification and transport for extraction in the field

  • Diagnostic Kits

  • Centrifuges and tube opener centrifuges

  • Robots, aliquotator to facilitate the pre-analytics of livestock sanitation campaigns


La precisión en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de las alteraciones de la actividad eléctrica cardíaca es crucial. Biogen Diagnóstica pone a disposición del especialista multitud de herramientas especializadas que le ayudarán a obtener diagnósticos precisos y proporcionar eficaces páutas de tratamiento. Ofrecemos soluciones curativas a los trastornos eléctricos del corazón.

Entre los productos con los que trabajamos se incluyen: catéteres de estimulación transitoria , marcapasos externos , agujas transeptales que responden al tacto, asas ergonómicas para un control excepcional y los más avanzados sistemas de acceso.

Desde Biogen Diagnóstica intentamos mejorar en todo lo posible los procedimientos de los Centros de Transfusiones tan importantes hoy en día para nuestra salud.

Para ello ponemos a su disposición una serie de dispositivos de una calidad inmejorable que facilitan el trabajo de los profesionales reduciendo tiempos, costes y riesgos.

Desde Biogen Diagnóstica buscamos siempre estar a la vanguardia en el sector , ofreciendo los más avanzados dispositivos.

  • Prueba de anemia

  • Suero autólogo oftalmológico

  • Lancetas de seguridad

  • Fotoaféresis

Captura de pantalla 2023-03-14 a las 12.

Los productos de critical care con los que trabajamos en Biogen Diagnostica desempeñan un papel vital a la hora de apoyar a los profesionales de atención sanitaria y mejorar los resultados de los pacientes en entornos de cuidados intensivos. Con una amplia gama de soluciones de diagnóstico, seguimiento y terapéuticas, la empresa se dedica a satisfacer las necesidades cambiantes de los profesionales de la salud y los pacientes.

Biogen Diagnostica también ofrece una amplia gama de soluciones de monitorización en UCI. Estos dispositivos ayudan a los proveedores de atención médica a detectar rápidamente cualquier cambio en la condición del paciente, lo que permite una intervención oportuna.

Biogen Diagnostica también pone un fuerte énfasis en la investigación y el desarrollo para innovar y mejorar continuamente sus productos de cuidados críticos. Al colaborar con profesionales de la salud e invertir en tecnologías avanzadas, la empresa se esfuerza por mantenerse a la vanguardia de la innovación en el área de cuidados intensivos. Este compromiso con la investigación y el desarrollo garantiza que los productos de Biogen Diagnostica sigan siendo relevantes y eficaces en un panorama sanitario en rápida evolución.

Biogen Diagnóstica ofrece una amplia gama de instrumentos y dispositivos para la cirugía vascular. Estos productos están diseñados para abordar una variedad de afecciones vasculares, como la enfermedad arterial periférica, las obstrucciones arteriales o las venas varicosas. La precisión y la fiabilidad de estos dispositivos ayudan a los cirujanos a realizar procedimientos complejos con éxito y a mejorar la calidad de vida de sus pacientes. La empresa trabaja en estrecha colaboración con cirujanos y profesionales de la salud para entender sus necesidades y desafíos, y así poder ofrecer soluciones innovadoras que impulsen avances en el tratamiento de enfermedades vasculares.

•    Aterectomía rotacional

•    Ablación por RF coagulación térmica

•    Cierre vascular
•    Cierre de venas varicosas
•    Balón PTA liberador de Paclitaxel
•    Trombectomía 
•    Trombólisis
•    Sistema de aspiración
•    Catéter de infusión con válvula
•    Trampa endovascular 
•    Extraccion de trombos
•    Tapon de embolización
•    Filtro IVC multihaz
•    Sellador de fugas
•    Protección embólica
•    Catéter de soporte
•    Catéter de recanalización 
•    Catéter de reentrada
    Trampa de lazo 
•    Vaina larga trenzada (Introductor Guia)
•    Catéter orientable
•    Microcatéter periférico
•    Catéteres de entrega PARS LIBRO
•    Microcatéter de flujo directo
•    Catéter de entrega DeliveryCath
•    Agentes embólicos Libro y Filler
•    Guías: angioplastia , recanaliz. y pta 
•    Catéter de valvulotomía
•    Stent aórtico nitinol


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Biogen Diagnostica, SL


Biogen Diagnóstica is a company with more than 25 years of experience in the field of Health and medical technology.

Our objective is the research, development, innovation and commercialization of products for the diagnosis, prevention, treatment and care of patients, always having as one of the main objectives the modernization and evolution of medical centers.

At Biogen we collaborate with the best global companies in the healthcare sector, with our own products developed in our R&D centers in Spain and Portugal, guaranteeing the best quality to our customers.

With the evolution of technology, the health sector has been becoming aware that it needs the use of new tools that can facilitate its introduction into the market, so now we open a door to the development of

medical software with complementary applications of our products and services to optimize the quality and efficiency of procedures, so that medical centers can streamline their activity and lower costs.

Our mission is to help health professionals to carry out their work effectively, prioritizing the stability and safety of the patient.

Biogen has created a line dedicated to the research, innovation and development of products in the veterinary sector, which facilitate the daily work of professionals in this sector.

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Contact Us

Florida Street 1, Nave 17
28670 Villaviciosa de Odón (Madrid)

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